JUWAN Official Store Online Store Opening Guidelines

Hello, this is JUWAN LABEL.

Today we announce good news to you with great anticipation, JUWAN Official Store is about to open!

The JUWAN Official Store is an online store that specializes in selling JUWAN-related merchandise, and currently has all the albums released by JUWAN. In the future, when JUWAN releases a new album, the store will also update the merchandise at the same time.

In addition, the store has also set up a "Donation" page, where fans can choose a preset amount or a custom donation amount to sponsor JUWAN through the JUWAN Official Store.

You can also enter your e-mail address in the store to subscribe to the JUWAN Official Store newsletter to receive the latest news from the store.

The JUWAN Official Store will officially open at 0:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 (ET), so stay tuned!

🔗JUWAN Official Store URL: shopjuwanofficial.juwanlabels.com